Cricket has been one of the oldest, yet greatest sports nowadays. This is one of those sports that has evolved from a decade, and it’s developing quite rigorously. Thus, with this kind of sport, any individual is going to get fit and fine. But, nowadays playing with safety is a major concern of every sportsman, so in terms of cricket everybody should get protected as per the safety rules. Apart from that, there are various kinds of safety equipment which are going to protect the sportsman from any kind of injury. Therefore, cricket thigh pads somewhere, play a vital role to protect from getting major injuries. So, to know much more about this topic you can read the following section to collect all the general guidance for it.
Why Thigh Pads are Essential for Cricketers.
Thigh pads play a vital role because when you play sports like cricket where you face the leather balls every few minutes, to upgrade batting skills. Then the most important factor that you need to look for the best performance and safety would be at the time when you use the best quality of safety guards. Apart from that, if you are willing to get a glimpse of cricket thigh pads, the significance of protecting the player while playing a match or practicing. You then have to get through with the points that are mentioned in the below section for guidance.
- When you wear thigh pads at the time of playing then you are going to protect overall thighs from getting hit with leather balls
- Impact of leather balls, gets reduced when you wear thigh pads
- Thigh pads gives overall protection to your middle portion of your body and sometimes you will also get protected with knee injuries
- Note thigh pads quality and texture is quite a phenomenon because it looks soft, but acts as one of the best protectors.
Besides, if you have a question regarding whether the thigh pad helps in burning fat, then it’s just a myth because thigh pads of cricket are not made up of that material which will help you to reduce wait at all. So, it is just a protective gear that helps you to protect yourself at the time of playing cricket, so you should remember that it is going to be the best protective gear for sports and not for gyming purposes.
Top Brands for Cricket Thigh Pads
So, you might now have completely gotten a glimpse on different aspects of the thigh pads. Though to get more details of the thigh pads, you should get along with top brands for example sg thigh pad, because then you will be able to figure out the proper difference between the various brands which are going to offer you the best set experience in terms of the thigh pad bands.
Various types of Cricket thigh pads:
- Moonwalkr Thigh Pads: This is one of the best quality thigh pads to choose because, then only you are going to receive the ultimate set of protection in terms of playing good cricket. Thus, moonwalkr thigh pads are designed in such a way that it is light in weight and designed in such a way that you will be able to get pro-level sort of dynamics at the time of playing.
- Remfry Thigh Pads: Sportsperson, who want to get the best cricketing shots, then the equipment you are going to wear should be of top quality. Therefore, with this second type of brand that is Remfry Thigh Pads, sportspeople are going to get extra protection and durability of pads to play fluently.
SG Thigh Pads: SG pads are one of the renowned brands, that is a good quality material brand and gives the top-notch assurances at the time of playing.
How to Wear Cricket Thigh Pads?
After knowing all about the brands of thigh pads, now it’s the turn to learn the proper and easy steps which are going to be helpful in terms of the wearing of pads.
- 1. First of all, you need to pick and position the thigh pad around thighs
- 2. After that, grab the straps of it and lock them onto the pad patch, in accordance with your comfort and protection.
- 3. You will now have to adjust the thigh pad on both of your legs, according to lefty or righty batting stance.
- 4. At last, you will have to only make sure that you precisely lock it around your leg for sheer comfort and for better walking or running movements.
Henceforth, while you go read all about the cricket thigh pads, you might now be able to rectify the appropriate set of differences amongst the types of thigh pad brands available in the market. Therefore, now you are able to select the correct thigh pad and know all about its essentials to use and how to correctly wear it for your best performance.
How to wear cricket thigh pads?
The cricket plyers major concern could be wearing safety equipments. So, the major concern of every cricketer might be the right way of wearing thigh pads, so that they get complete safety while playing. Thus, the right way to wear a thigh pad is how you tightly grip the pad around the thighs with its elastic strap and get the comfort to play fluently.
Do thigh pads burn fat?
No, not at all the cricket thigh pads are not going to help the individual to get burn their fats. So, thinking that it will help loosing the fat then it is not going to possible. So, in conclusion to that if any individual wants to reduce the weight or burn fat, then the best option shall be exercising on a daily basis.
How to make double thigh pad?
There is no way or method that is available in the market that is going to help in making double pads. Though, in reference to that player should have a keen eye towards, selection of the best set or quality of pads, so that players get the best set of protection at practice or match.
About the Author:
Yogesh Suri- Content Writer- With my keen interest in playing cricket and framing proper set of strategies towards my passion of sports. Here, all you are going to collect shall be in terms with the right size of pads and other essential de-markings of the particular brands to choose for the play. At last, reading this section would enhance your knowledge regarding the cricket equipment.